Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stepping Over Our Wounds

I must apologize for my lack of blog posts. I have been preoccupied with some other things going on in my ministry. I read this passage from Henri Nouwen's book Here and Now and I thought I would share it with you. The excerpt is titled: Stepping Over Our Wounds.

We humans suffer a lot. Much, if not most, of our deep suffering comes from our relationships with those who love us. I am constantly aware that my deep agony and anguish come, not from the terrible events I read about in the newspapers or see on television, but from the relationships with the people with whom I share my daily life. The men and women who love me and are very close to me are also the ones who wound me. As we grow older, we often discover that we were not always loved well. Those who loved us often used us too. Those who cared for us were also envious at times. Those who gave us much, at times asked much in return. Those who protected us also wanted to possess us at critical moments. Often we feel the need to sort out how and why we are wounded and frequently we come to the frightening discovery that the love we received was not as pure and simple as we had thought. It is important to sort these things out, especially when we feel paralyzed by fears, anxieties, and dark urges that we do not understand. But understanding our wounds is not enough. Finally we must find the freedom to step over our wounds and the courage to forgive those who have wounded us. The real danger is to get stuck in anger and resentment. Then we start living as the "wounded one," always complaining that life isn't "fair." Jesus came to save us from these self-destructive complaints. He says: "Let go of your complaints, forgive those who loved you poorly, step over your feelings of being rejected, and have the courage to trust that you won't fall into the abyss of nothingness but into the safe embrace of a God whose love will heal all your wounds.

My only response to this is AMEN!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Carrie Prejean, first runner-up at the 2009 Miss. USA pageant is one of my new heroes. Carrie was recently asked by Perez Hilton, a judge for the pageant and a homosexual, what her position was on gay marriage. She answered that she believed marriage should be, limited to one man and one woman. Sadly, her answer cost her the crown of Miss USA, and made her the target of everyone who opposes the traditional view of marriage. Her answer was honest and from the heart, however, Perez Hilton responded to her answer by calling her a stupid b****. He scolded her for not sharing a more neutral stance on her views about marriage, and then said she offended, Jewish Americans, Muslim, Americans, Atheist Americans, and Gay and Lesbian Americans. When did it become intolerant to answer a question with honesty and integrity? I agree with Miss Prejean's view of marriage between one man and one woman, however, stating that opinion does not make me insensitive to group or subculture. I am sick and tired of the world treating Christians like ignorant, hillbilly's (I am sure that I have now offended all ignorant hillbilly's. Christians didn't just wake up one day and decide to deny marriage to homosexuals. We believe it is a biblical position. God's Word is our authority, and we believe it is reliable and infallible. Carrie Prejean is being criticized for answer a question honestly. If Christians are not allowed to have their view shared in the market place like everyone else, then this is just the beginning of the persecution that will get much worse. I hope all who read this, whether you agree with my and Miss Prejean's position on marriage, will defend her right and privilege, granted by the United States Constitution, to Free Speech. Maybe the United States of America would be a different place if more Christians would be like Miss Prejean and not be afraid to stand up for what they believe in. The goal of the Politically Correct movement is to make everything and behavior acceptable and tolerated. The Bible tells us that we must take a stand for what we believe or someday God will spit us out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16) I hope you will join me in applauding and supporting Miss Carrie Prejean, a courageous follower of Christ!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Will You People Stop Saying This Phrase !!!

Whenever something happens in our world, whether it is viewed as good or bad, I usually expect to hear this response uttered from some well meaning person: "I am one of those people who believe everything happens for a reason." I cringe every time I hear someone use this phrase. Why? Because, people use this phrase as an explanation for everything that happens in the world. However, when you use this phrase, you are simply stating the obvious. Of course, everything happens for a reason. Whether you understand the reason something happened or not, there is always a reason. I think many people use this phrase hoping that it will make those who hear it feel better about whatever has just happened for a reason. My hope is that people will stop saying this phrase every time something happens. What is my reason behind this? I believe that those who follow Christ have a better phrase given to us by Paul, in his letter to the Church at Rome that we can use when things happen in our lives. The phase in found in Romans 8:28 (NASB):

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Though some believe that this phrase is the same as saying, “Everything happens for a reason,” it is simply not the same. This phrase clearly tells us that God is causing all things to work together for good, for a specific group of people. They are the people who love and follow God and there is always a purpose behind what God is doing for those who love and follow Him. God is causing all of these things to work together; not random chance or fate. Nothing has or ever will happen in you life that God doesn’t already know about and have a purpose for. What a great promise of God.

The difference in these two phrases is huge. The first phrase tells us nothing about the reason or the purpose behind the reason. The second phrase assures us that God is the cause of all things and that he has a purpose behind why He is doing something or allowing something to happen in the life of someone who loves and follows Him.

Some might think I am splitting hairs, but this difference is not hair splitting; I believe it is life changing.

So, the next time you hear someone say, “I believe everything happens for a reason,” you simply say, “I believe that God causes all things to work together for good for people like me who love God and are called according to His purpose.” They might call you a “Bible Thumper” but I am sure you have been called worse over the years. Have a Great Weekend living life to the full !!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Learning from Peter Gustav Warner

Peter G. Warner visited me and my family last week. He arrives by train and visits twice a year. His visits began almost ten years ago, right after I was married. I forgot to tell my wife that Peter would always be a part of our lives. Nine of the longest days of my life were spent with Peter in an apartment in New Hampshire, but I will spare you the details. Most of you who will read this blog have known Peter as long as I have. Peter has Asperger's Syndrome which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

According to Wikipedia, Asperger's syndrome is named after Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy. Fifty years later, AS was standardized as a diagnosis, but questions about many aspects remain.For example, there is lingering doubt about the distinction between AS and high-functioning autism; partly due to this, the prevalence of AS is not firmly established. The exact cause is unknown, although research supports the likelihood of a genetic basis; brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology.

I used to dread his visits, but now I look forward to them. When he is in our home, he is loud and obnoxious, however we seem to find ourselves laughing a lot more when Peter is around. Over the years, I have tried to teach him to whisper but I have failed miserably. Every forty-five minute shower he takes brings with it a loud and boisterous concert of every hymn Peter has memorized from the Lutheran Hymnal and every Young Life song that has ever been sung. My kids look forward to this concert. There are also many conversations that go like this: "Peter un-tuck your shirt!" Peter replies, "But Irene tells me that everything should be tucked in!"

Peter has no real home or permanent residence. His spends most of his time on Amtrak trains and buses or at local libraries checking and sending emails. He knows where all the best places and churches in Southern California are where you can get a free meal. One of the things I admire about Peter is his intellect(most people don't get to hear him talk about all the information stored in his brilliant brain), his love for God, and his servant's heart. Peter usually travels with his girl friend. She was injured a few years ago in an Amtrak accident and acquired cerebral palsy from the accident. Peter shared with me that He believes God has called him to help people who cannot help themselves and so His heart's desire is to do that until He goes to be with Jesus.

Peter has never allowed his disability to keep him from doing what he believes God has called him to do. I am humbled by his heart to serve others. It saddens me to think that people miss this side of Peter because they have trouble looking past his disability, however Jesus doesn't miss it. I think when Jesus thinks of Peter, He smiles.

As we chatted at breakfast the day he left, I thought about what it will be like someday to chat with Peter in Heaven. He, like us, will be like Jesus when we see Him as He is.

For those who read this and especially for those who know Peter, pray that God will protect him as he travels all over the country and sometimes spends the night in a train station or a bus depot. Pray that God will continue to allow Peter to use his servant's heart. And pray for us because he will be back for another visit in September and he could possibly eat us out of house and home.

Even with His disability, Peter is living life to the full. I hope you are as well.

Living Life to the Full,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My New Blog

Hey Friends,

I hope you will come and visit my new blog. My hope is to post things that will make you laugh, cry, and think about what it truly means to live life to the full. The only way we can do this is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As you read this blog, I hope it encourages you to keep following Christ no matter what the circumstances are in your life and remember that He came to give us life to the full. I hope you are living it to the full.